- Paper Title :-Immunization
Category :-NursingSciences
- Year :-2023
- Volume :-20
- Issue :-I
- Author I :-Harpreet Kaur, Research Scholar, Department of Nursing, Shri JJT University, Rajasthan, Jhunjhunu, India
- Author II:-Dr. Pradeep V S, Research Guide, Department of Nursing, Shri JJT University, Rajasthan, Jhunjhunu, India
- Paper Title :-Methodological and Ethical Challenges in Domestic Violence Research
Category :-NursingSciences
- Year :-2023
- Volume :-20
- Issue :-I
- Author I :-Sanjay Sabde, Department Nursing, Shri JJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India.
- Author II:-Dr. Priyesh M Bhanwara Jain, Department Nursing, Shri JJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India.
- Paper Title :-Genetic Disorders
Category :-NursingSciences
- Year :-2023
- Volume :-19
- Issue :-II
- Author I :-Harpreet Kaur, Research Scholar, Department of Nursing, Shri JJT University, Rajasthan, Jhunjhunu, India
- Author II:- Dr. Pradeep V S, Resaerch Guide, Department of Nursing, Shri JJT University, Rajasthan, Jhunjhunu, India